Sunday, July 19, 2015

Puffin'd Out

I have spent most of this summer working on Skellig Michael Island in Kerry surveying seabirds and encounter Puffins everyday. There are somewhere between 7-10,000 of these beautiful looking birds on the island, and very colourful they are, but at this stage I have encountered enough to last a lifetime.  Looking forward to finding something unusual on the island as we creep closer to autumn. 

 Puffins, Skellig Michael, County Kerry John N Murphy


  1. Hi John, brilliant Puffin photos!
    Are you aware the EU’s looking at weakening key laws which protect birds, animals and plants in Europe? The Birds and Habitats Directives are currently undergoing a ‘fitness check’, but we think the evidence speaks for itself. The directives have stopped the decline of a number of species and have created a huge network of conservation areas.
    We’ve got until Friday night to make our views known on this – can you encourage your followers to put their name to the Nature Alert campaign please, every person helps!

  2. Thanks Finlay a very import cause and essential that we all sign up to this campaign Regards John

  3. Hi john, just discovered your blog. Really great shots. Molly x

    1. Thanks Molly will try to keep it updated more regularly John

  4. Great shots as always Murf.
    Did you find the droids you were looking for? ;-)
