Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Cattle Egrets

When I was growing up in the 1970's and 80's , I never thought I'd see the day that Cattle Egrets would be a regular visitor to Ireland. I remember in the 1990's travelling to Rostellan in Cork with my nephew Tomas to see Irelands first Cattle Egret on a beef farm, where the bird in question was spending his time walking around under the feet of a bull, picking out worms disturbed by the heavy beast and occasionally jumping up on his back for a rest and a free ride when he got tired.  Nowadays, Cattle Egrets are no longer a rare visitor to Ireland, and every young birders ticks at least one off their list annually. I've been lucky here on the west coast to have found the first four county records and a following three more with these two birds recently turning up in fields along the bog road at Loop Head on 15th and 16th October. It was funny when I look back on it, as one of our younger birders with me that day James, had never seen a Cattle Egret in Ireland, before but had just returned from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, where he had photos of Cattle Egrets sitting on the backs of Water Buffalo. Oh how times have changed.

Cattle Egrets at Kilbaha, October 2024 © John N Murphy

Glossy Ibis

This Glossy Ibis was found on 5th & 6th October at Islandavanna by Chris Cullen a local birder to this area. It spent two days foraging in a wet and newly re-seeded field before moving on. I managed to get there on the second day and snap the following series of shots.

There have been 11 Clare records to date involving 15 birds.

Here are the previous sightings.

1857: One in the Burren prior to this date.

1902: One at Lahinch on 27th October.

1906: One on 9th September and one on the coast on 2nd October.

2008: One at Willow Park on the Fergus River, Ennis from 23rd to 25th August.

2010: One was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon on 27th August. Two were at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus from 8th to 10th July.

2016: Two were at Lahinch Marsh from 5th to 14th January. One was at Ballyvelaghan Lough, New Quay on 23rd January. Two were at Lough Erinagh, Ennis from 13th February to 9th March.

2017: One juvenile was at Kilbaha, Loop Head from 7th to 12th October.

2018: One flying west near Sandfield, Liscannor on 8th January.

2022: One was near the Clare/Limerick boarder at Cooney on 21st June.

Immature Glossy Ibis at Islandavanna © John N Murphy

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Common Eider in Kilkee

It's not the first time Eiders have turned up in Kilkee Bay, but it is the first time they made an appearance in the height of summer. Immature Eiders have turned up in Kilkee in the past during October or winter. On a few occasions in the past birds have appeared in summer off Scattery Island near Kilrush or in Galway Bay near Deer Island, but to have this pair of moulting, eclipsed birds is very unusual. They were found by Dixie Collins hauled out on the rocks near the west end of the Strand on 22nd June. I checked for them twice again yesterday but they seemed to have moved off. 

Pair of Common Eider at Kilkee © John N Murphy

Friday, June 7, 2024

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Ireland's first Yellow-crowned Night Heron a rare North American vagrant was found in Belcarre Mayo on 26th May 2024. I didn't make it up to Mayo that evening as I was heading out to Iceland early the following morning for a weeks work. One week later when I returned home I was delighted to see that the bird had hung around in the Manulla River, behind the Community Hall at Belcarre. So on Tuesday 4th June I shot up and got great views with a few shots attached. It's a long time since I've seen this heron species in the southern states. Great bird and brilliant find.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron in Mayo © John N Murphy

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Ring-necked Ducks

I recently found five Ring-necked Ducks in Klikee Reservoir. This is the largest gathering we have had of this rare North American Duck in the county. Prior to this there were claims of four at the one time in Ardclooney at the Parteen basin in the east of the county but not confirmed. There were three young birds some years back at Knockalough not far inland from this coastal pond.

Ring-necked Ducks with Tufted Ducks at Kilkee Reservoir © John N Murphy

Friday, March 3, 2023

Little Egret

 Little Egrets are quickly developing their breeding plumage as the spring shoots by. This bird was taking it easy at a small pool near Cappagh Pier in Kilrush.

Little Egret in breeding plumage © John N Murphy

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Peregrine sense an early spring

During my travels throughout the country over the past week, I have noticed that there seems to be an early spring arriving with many birds well into their nesting season so early. Peregrines are sitting around old buildings awaiting to start laying eggs and getting their breeding season into full swing.

Peregrines © John N Murphy